Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Just my two cents' worth

I don't usually do this, but I feel the need to share 'cause quite frankly, I am sick of hearing untrue and petty assumptions formed about an individual before you even get to know him/her.
Some people are just so narrow-minded and quick to judge. Sometimes, you wonder what kind of person they see themselves as when they look at their reflections in the mirror. 
"Those that know the least about you, have the most to say."
"When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself."
The aforementioned statements have always held true for me.

Note: I'm no saint but I try to make a conscious effort to not judge someone by his/her cover 'cause I have yet to get a chance to know him/her personally. Yes, first impressions are important but they are not everything. So then comes the initial stage of knowing someone. I try to see the good in people but more often than not, they do not deserve it at all. However, I still believe that at least I tried. I gave a shot of what could have been a potential friendship.

I understand that girls being girls, they will definitely bitch about people and made distasteful comments along the way. And by that, I don't mean just surface stuff like commenting on someone's looks/physique. What irks me the most is people/more specifically girls, who act like they know it all, but in fact, they probably do not even know a fraction of the truth or any direct knowledge about anything; just hearsay. 
For instance, an event happened - Party A and Party B fell out. If you happen to be friends with just Party A and not Party B, obviously Party A will feed you with a story that make themselves look good and put Party B to shame. Most people will not admit their faults or put themselves down in this way. So most of the time, what people hear are a far cry from the whole truth 'cause they would already have painted a much nicer picture of what really went down before handing it to you.
You probably do not even know both sides of the story and voila, opinion formed.
Before you even form your opinion, have you checked with Party A why Party B did that? Did you do anything to wrong Party B? Why would someone do that if you hadn't provoke him/her? (Questions like that)
You should understand the whole situation and mentality/behaviors from both parties first before taking everything in without filtering. 
You are gullible and stupid to be fed with information from just one party, one side of the story. Especially if Party B has never done anything to wrong you. Or worse still, he/she is someone you know as well.
Instead, why don't you take a step back and not pass any judgments first before (if there's a chance) knowing Party B's side of the story too? By then, feel free to form your own opinion(s) since you know both sides of the story. It is not too late, isn't it?

"Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve upon the silence?"
If the answer is no, then i
s there really a need for you to come up with nasty/harsh/hurtful comments about someone else when you have never walked a mile in their shoes? 

Look around at those gossiping their lives away and placing people that they probably do not even know of or know that well, as a center of importance whenever they meet others to gossip.
Is your friendship with your friends THAT shallow to only be sitting around and speaking ill of others?
Thankfully, I do my best to steer away from people of such. I wouldn't wanna risk placing a ticking time-bomb beside myself.

And I have always been a firm believer of karma. What goes around comes around. 
Believe it or not, karma will always bite you in the ass when you least expect it.
On top of that, people with good thoughts/kind words have this certain glow about them compared to those that have their mouths laced with venom, ever ready to take you down with just words. It DOES show.
Alternatively, you could channel the energy elsewhere e.g. bettering yourself.
No point being a pretty (if you are pretty, fine I give it to you. Some aren't even pretty to begin with) shell that is hollow and has no substance in the inside at all. 
Oh and for guys who act like girls, kindly check if you still have your manhood. (Point to note: I'm not referring to homosexuals but guys that are equally or more bitchy than girls)

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