Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Clean slate

Start anew, no matter how difficult it gets. Enough of being stuck in reverse. Enough of regrets and letting the past get in your head.
Sometimes you've exhausted all your means and done all you could but it still doesn't change the outcome. Maybe all we really need is to hold out hope, that this is indeed for the better.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Part X

Old friend,
you haven't changed a single bit.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Stable ground

And we see past it - those imperfections, scars, bruises, every little annoying habit and idiosyncrasies that gets to you, but you see past it. And you are happy. You are contented.
That's what stability is and means to me.
Let our naked souls intertwine.
Let our scars fall in love.
Let us rewrite what most can't.